My life outside of being a Surrey wedding photographer

Hi, I'm Lysa. Surrey wedding photographer, wildlife photographer, dog lover, travel addict, and an overly enthusiastic self taught sommerlier...

Fancy a chat?

I live in Surrey with my wonderful husband, and our Bernese Mountain dog, Reuben. He's old and as thick as they come, bless him, but all the more loveable for it (the dog that is, and not my husband!)

I love dogs, wine and people (often in that order), reading and tattoos. And I'm hopelessly addicted to handbags. Honestly I've got loads. My step-daughter calls them 'an investment'; my husband calls them....well, he varies his choice of words, but I don't think 'investment' has come up. Just wait til he discovers my new camera bag addiction...

I adore travelling. Exploring the world, meeting new people and learning new cultures, tasting amazing food and incredible wines. I've been all over the world shooting wildlife too (cameras, not guns). I've photographed silverbacks in the Virunga Mountains, leopards on the plains of the Mara, and wildebeest migrating by the thousands into Tanzania.

And in a way, documentary wedding photography is a lot like wildlife photography. You can't force things to happen, or ask a lion to do it again because you missed it. You just have to be watchful, patient, and forever ready. And for me, these are always the best kind of photos, not the ones that have been staged, set up, created, couple after couple. But the unrepeatable moments, captured in a second, unique to you, and made immortal in a frame.

How I became a wedding photographer in Surrey (and why I am always so relaxed)

In a not-too-distant past, I was running my own large-scale agency in the corporate world. And it was stressful. The unending pressure of being 'The CEO'. Scanning the horizon and watching for business threats, building high performing teams, nurturing trust, always expected to be on my best form and lead by example. And the expectations were even higher through Covid.

In the midst of it all, the camera became my escape. My meditation. Losing myself in composition and light, giving my full attention to something so inherently creative and pure. It was, and is, bliss. And eventually, I realised my happiness wasn't to be found in the hurricane. But in the peace that lay behind the lens.

People often ask me at weddings how I stay so relaxed, so calm. And it's because I am totally at peace. Surrounded by happiness, immersed in composition and light, and doing what I love. So no matter what happens at your wedding, don't worry.

I'm there, I'm with you, and we'll get through it together, as a calm little team, with smiles and tears along the way.